No, Junípero Serra was also not genocidal
Source:Hispanic Council In defense of one of the key figures in Californinan History Once more we are faced with the taking down of a statue of yet another Hispanic figure in the USA, this time Fray
Source:Hispanic Council In defense of one of the key figures in Californinan History Once more we are faced with the taking down of a statue of yet another Hispanic figure in the USA, this time Fray
Source:ABC ABC talks to various experts from the Hispanic period about the figure of the Spanish saint, whose name Stanford University has removed from its campus this week At his death in Monterey (Alta California), a
Source:ABC The Franciscan monk founded nine missions across the Atlantic and fought to advance native society. However, a statue erected in his honour was recently beheaded in California. Heroes are not only those who, sword and shield
Source:Sonrisas en el camino Iconoclastic Madness We are witnessing, with astonishment, studied and managed movements that, under the excuse of fighting racism, seek to rewrite history. And, like gunpowder, it is spreading throughout the West, sticking its hand
Source:Unión Hispano Americana The manifest destiny of a country (the United States) that arrogated to itself the right to exterminate the native Californians immersed in the Hispanic culture, whom it did not even consider human beings. Since
Source:A orillas del Potomac Now that the anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus on 12 October is approaching, as every year the political correctness of the American left will be reactivated, treating the great navigator
Source:Hispanic Council In recent days there has been a new attack on the Hispanic heritage of the United States, this time in San Diego (California). Councilman Joe LaCava has introduced a proposal to remove the symbols referring to
Source:ABC On 16 March 1758, some two thousand Indians raided the mission of San Sabá, located in Texas, and annihilated all those who lived there. The event is remembered as one of the saddest in the Far West
Source:A orillas del Potomac It was only logical that from the end of the 19th century until the 1980s, in California and in the country as a whole, Fray Junípero Serra was considered the "founding father of California".
Source:ABC The Franciscan friar Fray Junípero Serra participated in the colonisation of this state together with Gaspar de Portolá. Last third of the 18th century. Spain, however implausible it may seem today, barely ten generations later, holds
Source:A orillas del Potomac The Spanish colonisers drew "the points" in a vast territory on which colonisation was based: they built missions, presidios (that is, forts), planned cities and created toponymy. Roads (the 5 Caminos Reales), tens of thousands