Christopher Columbus' first landing in the Americas, by Dioscoro Puebla

The history of Spain has been, between the 15th and 18th centuries, the history of the world. Great explorations, scientific discoveries, the discovery and subsequent liberation of America, the globalisation of trade, … all happened under the Spanish banner. But history has distorted, falsified or forgotten many of the great Spanish exploits for the benefit of others who came later, British, French, …

In this section we will try to put things in their place; we will tell the story as it was, without additions, putting in the place they deserve such important characters as Francisco Javier Bamis and the nurse Isabel Zendal, Bernardo de Gálvez, Fray Junipero Serra, Andrés de Urdaneta, Ana María de Soto and many many many more Spaniards whose actions should be filling up bookshelves and movie theatres but, instead, are hidden in dusty unknown archives.

We will also review some of the exagerated achievements of other nations and put them in context, far from propaganda and embellishments.

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